Works as expected. I’m happy about that and thought I’d let the community know it works since it hasn’t been updated since January 2013 (as of the date of this review).
Works as expected. I’m happy about that and thought I’d let the community know it works since it hasn’t been updated since January 2013 (as of the date of this review).
I purchased this App for the express purpose of importing my Beatles 24 Bit FLAC files into iTunes as ALAC files. When I opened the App, I was a little surprised at the interface. It’s a simple box, with the simple instruction to “Drag in FLAC files to import into iTunes”. I was a bit concerned that the simple appearance was an indication of its ability to do its job. However, once I tested it, I realized that the author was just keeping it simple. It does precisely what it promises to do. I’m very happy with the product. However, I did have to do a little housekeeping (file deletions) afterward because the program leaves 2 sets of files behind. One set of files right where they should be. The second set in a folder called “FLACTunes”. For those of you that just want to convert FLAC files to ALAC and import them into iTunes, this is the one to buy. It just couldn’t get any simpler. I should also mention that I converted my files one folder/album at a time. I don’t know how it would perform for large scale jobs.
What with this "m4a" format ? It was supposed to convert from FLAC to ALAC… Is this m4a also lossless ? I get a weird sound on some albums, i have some doubts...
OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.2 iTunes 10.7 FLACTunes just hangs during the process. Not a single flac file is converted or imported.. total waste of money
Installed it and… It just hangs too!!!. Never worked. I want my money back!!
simply converter from (flac) to (m4a)
Works great for adding FLAC to iTunes (converts flac into m4a).
Gets the job done - mostly quick and easy, mostly. My only reservation about this app is that you cant change where the songs save to. It would be nice if the songs were placed in their respective Artist folders in the iTunes Library folder. I have all my music on an external HDD so I dont clog up my system, so it is a bit of an inconvenience to move the songs afterwards. Maybe I should have gotten a different converter...
Nice and simple, does its job perfectly. Could use a nicer icon :P
You drag a folder with Flac files over the app window and thats it: flac files are converted to Apple lossless and automatically uploaded to iTunes. How much simpler could it be? You can listen to 24 bit music in iTunes. 5 big stars for this great app.
Works great. Maybe a few more configuration options would be nice, but it does what I need it to do!
Great app. Works as advertised.
Saved me probalby a week of time experimenting with different tools to get FLAC files into apple losseless. Just downloaded it and it worked, awesome!
Amazing! works flawlessly. Can finally play .flac files in iTunes now.
This app has been perfect since the day I bought it. Works like a charm, gets the job done. Before hand I had >3000 songs all in FLAC, and after 12 hours or so I have those all in M4A and imported into iTunes. I can now drop an entire folder (even of mixed media like album art) into it, and itll convert the FLAC and ignore everything else. Best part is that it auto-imports into iTunes while its converting. Only real problem is that it makes my MacBook almost unusable while its converting, but its understandable. For fewer songs (~20) it only takes a few seconds to convert, which is not a problem at all.
Fluke is broken since Lion, the 32-bit workaround is not working in itune 11(64bits). I cannot find any on-the-fly solution. In order to play flac, they need to convert to apple lossless. I can use XLD but this app is alot easiler! Thanks!
Perfect minimalist awesomeness. What else can you say?
If you find yourself with some .flac files, this is the perfect app to use. I did some research before buying it, and everything else seemed just too much trouble, especially since there was a WAY easier solution right there for a couple bucks. I definitely recommend this. Really simple to use: just download it from app store, adn then simply drag and drop your files! Tadam!
Minimalist interface, perfect execution - even does more than I expected.
I figured no way this is going to work with Itunes 12 and El Capitan Beta 7. Worked flawlessly and at light speed. On my top end Imac no slowdown in speed at all.